Compressed air, also referred to as the “4th Utility” (after electricity, water & steam) is one of the major energy consumption utility in any industry. It is a well-known fact that of the life cycle cost of any compressor, 85-90% is towards energy and only 10-15% towards initial investment & maintenance.
The importance of the design and selection of the right compressor assumes great significance while setting up your air system. It is very important on the part of each one of us using compressed air to understand the simple fact that “Air is free but compressed air is not!”
The application of Compressed air in the sports industry is quite wide. Following machines in sport industry have compressed air needs, are as follows:
- Calender Machine
- Kneader Machine
- Inflating Table
- Vulcanizing Machine
- Tikka Machine
- Winding Machine
- Deflating Machine