Do you have to make do with an ageing compressed air system that no longer meets your needs? Or are you planning a new system and are looking for solutions that provide outstanding long-term operating efficiency?

As your experienced compressed air systems partner, we provide the perfect solution for any scenario. We not only consider the compressed air supply system itself, but always maintain a comprehensive overview of your business as a whole. We therefore also help ensure that your compressed air supply system can be optimised to meet your future compressed air needs.

A Compressor room is the heart of any compressed air system and therefore a fair amount of  time must be invested in planning and installation of compressor room. The following steps need to be taken in account for proper compressor room planning & insatllation.

Compressor room Location:

  • Make sure the compressor should be at a centralized location in plant.

Equipment Selection

  • Selection of compressor based upon Pressure, Flow and Air Quality requirement.
  • Sizing of Air Receiver(s) based upon the the variation in the consumption demand and the compressor size and the modulation strategy
  • Selection of dryer(s) according to the ISO 8573-1:2010 Air quality standard and the Vapour Pressure Dew point required.
  • Selection of Filter(s) & Water separator(s) according to the ISO 8573-1:2010 Air quality standard required.
  • Installation of Intake fan, Exhaust fan, Ducting at compressor exhaust must be done to ensure ample cooling air is supplied to Compressor & Dryer and also room is properly ventilated

Piping Design

  • Make sure you choose the right piping that doesn’t Rust & corrode, flexible and modular, Less time required for installations, less workforce required, more energy savings, Less leakages and pressure drop, Better Return on investment(ROI), Low operational and maintenance cost. In this regard Aluminium piping is the best piping. For Food processing plants stainless steel piping is preferred.
  • Size pipe according to minimum pressure drop (As a thumb rule allowable pressure drop must be less than 10% of compressor discharge pressure). And velocity of air must be be less than 10 m/s

Equipment layout/Arrangement

  • Make sure there is enough distance between the equipment’s e.g. compressor to compressor distance to provide provision for service & maintenance.
  • Make sure there is enough distance between equipment and walls.
  • Make sure compressors, dryers and receivers are placed on a concrete foundation.

  Piping Layout 

  • Minimize the number of bends, reducers, tees, valves as they provide resistance to flow, hence there is significant pressure loss.
  • Use header to transport the maximum anticipated flow to production area of the plant.
  • Make sure the pipes are at a safe height to avoid hazards.
  • Make sure bypasses are provided across dryers, filters and tanks to allow provision for maintenance without cutting off the supply.
  • Make sure to add points to provide provision for flow monitoring equipment’s.


  • Make sure to provide drainage point(s) in compressor room to allow condensate drain to discharge outside the room.
Gardner Denver Compressor