4 Ways to Extend Your Air Compressor’s Life: Intelligent management of maintenance and operations of the plant’s compressed air system helps increase plant uptime, reduce unplanned shutdowns and help keep the plant profits and employee morale at peak levels….Read more
Compressed Air Systems – 10 Steps to Save Energy: The most expensive component in the total cost of compressed air is energy. In fact, over the lifespan of a typical compressor, energy typically costs several times more than the purchase price of the compressor. The bottom line, maximizing energy efficiency saves you money… Read more
Myths and Facts About Compressed Air
Myth: it is safe to clean dirt and debris from a work area using compressed air: Fact: No. This is an unsafe practice. Cleaning a work area using compressed air could result in serious injury as a result of particulate striking or entering the eyes, ears or skin. A safer alternative is to use a vacuum, mop or broom to remove dirt and debri.. Read more